Nov 1, 2010

Trick or Treat? Definitely ... TREAT!

As you can see, we were visited by seven awfully cute little goblins last night. We had a handsome Mario, a good looking Luigi, a beautiful pink bunny, a lovely cow girl, two pretty little lambs and a darling little cow. I enjoyed their visit very much; I only wish my other two little precious grand kids were near enough to ring my doorbell!

Ken turned 60 last week. I wonder where the years have gone? Last night at church we were talking about age and the difference it makes in our topics of conversation. It used to be that we talked about pregnancies and children. Now we talk about ailments and unwanted facial hair (and that refers to the women!) I have no idea what old men talk about at church. As Ken says, "The alternative to old age isn't nice either".

Speaking of Ken, he is still watching the skies and the weather reports daily. He has a couple hundred acres of corn still in the field and he needs the weather to stay dry for about another week to get it off. Then, he'll start worrying about getting the winter crop in the ground. He has turned into your typical pessimistic farmer.

I'm still teaching.... no end in sight. At least, I'm enjoying it!!