Apr 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

What a wonderful Easter Sunday we had! We left for church early because the choir had to practice for its anthem and the children were singing . While I was waiting for the service to start, I read through some of the notes I had taken during past Easter sermons, preparing my heart for the worship that followed. I came across this quote from one of Rev. Headley's sermons: "Despite the attempt by Jesus' enemies to keep Him in the grave- the seal, the stone and the guards had as much chance of succeeding as a gossamer spiderweb being used to contain a ferocious dinosaur." Oh death, where is your sting? Oh grave, where is your victory? What a blessing to know that the grave is empty for all who believe in the risen Lord! Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Following the service, our "local" kids and grandkids came for lunch, along with my folks, some of Thelene's family, and most of Bev's family. We had about 31 people (plus 4 newborns) and we managed to "squeak" the Easter egg hunt in, despite the cold weather and threatening skies. We finished about ten minutes before the storm let loose! It was fun to see the kids run around the yard, finding the treasures. After everyone left, I also got to talk to Melanie and Steve, so it was a SUPER DAY!
As our March Madness game nears an end, it is obvious that busy Shelly will be the winner of the Olive Garden gift card. If anyone needs a night out, it's her! Despite the taunting by some of my boys about not doing well the year I'm not keeping score, I will feel vindicated if Duke wins. That should catapult me up the standings, at least above Tom! However, Danny will take second place (the In n' Out card) and Kristi, sadly, gets the last place McDonald's gift card. It's been unpredictable, but fun.
The next big event in our lives is Kenny and Erin's wedding! WOO-HOO! We are looking forward to the event, but also to the blessing of having her join our family.
Ken and I feel very blessed!

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