Jul 7, 2010

Leaving Kodiak and Homer Behind

We are pulling out of the port of Kodiak, Alaska. It is rainy and foggy which is supposed to be typical weather here. This morning we went on a marine wildlife tour where we saw some whales, sea otters, and such. It was interesting to hear about the history of Kodiak. We didn't realize there was a fort here during World War II of over 35,000 soldiers and that the Japanese actually sent a scout team to Kodiak looking to invade. Very interesting stuff.
Yesterday we were in Homer Alaska, which has to be the all-time prettiest place I have ever visited. The weather was gorgeous. We rented a couple of cars and toured the countryside, stopping at many grand vistas. Of all the places I've been in Alaska on four trips, Homer is my favorite.
Monday we were in Anchorage for the day. We took a road trip down the coast and saw the mud flats and a wild-life refuge center. We saw two grizzly bears and some gorgeous elk, moose and caribou. I also saw a baby muskox which was only 5 weeks old. Anchorage is probably a bit too busy for my taste. There is only one major road in Alaska, but we managed to get stop and go traffic on our trek down the coast. Our guide was a very interesting man who knew a lot about the area. We had a nice time.
We will be at sea now for a couple of days. We are hoping for calmer seas than we had since my last posting. We have a sea day, a glacier day, and 2 ports of call remaining. I'm off to sit in the spa on the Lido deck. Pictures will be posted when we get home.

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